Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Growing Your Spider Plant!

Recently there have been a lot of orders for Spider Plants. These plants are great for increasing the oxygen in a living space and are fun and easy to grow. If you ordered yours during this light Ohio winter you should be receiving it within a few days since the freezing temperatures have lightened up.

When you receive your package the rooted cuttings will be in a plastic bag that maintains moisture and allows the plants to be firm and lively. Please know that this will not hurt them and they can survive some of the harshest conditions. I conducted an experiment and placed several of mine in my business garage in which they received no light and almost freezing temperatures for almost two weeks. They were completely unfazed!

To begin growing your cuttings, place them in a small cup of warm water and set them by a windowsill for a few days up to a week before placing them in soil. I have seen many last weeks and months in the cup of water so that is fine too, just remember to change the water once a week. After the water treatment, place them in a small or large point with some all purpose store bought potting soil. They prefer a location with plenty of sunlight but can definitely do without. Once the roots are pushed into the soil they can be watered and should be watered about twice a week for optimal growth. Thankfully these plants are forgiving and will tolerate too much or too little water. Watch as they grow bigger and you can take your very own cuttings and create new plants!

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